
Institute of Longevity, Elderhood and Ageing

Since january 2018, I am the director of the Institute of Longevity, Elderhood and Ageing.

Our institute aims to promote the legibility of the field, interdisciplinary collaborations and the co-construction of research questions and projects. To this end, ILVV develops several activities, including the identification of teams working in the field whatever their discipline, with the aim of developing a multidisciplinary thematic database; the support for national and regional scientific events proposed by the actors and actors in the field; training of young researchers. Activities around these missions will be implemented gradually this year.

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Recent and on-going projects:

Disability-free life expectancies in France

We are currently developing new estimations of disability-free life expectancies (DFLE) for France based on the most recent population surveys. A first axis in this project consists in producing and analyzing recent trends in DFLE in the prolongement of a project on old ages dependency in France DIMADO (IRESP fundings), in collaboration with Amélie Carrère (INED / Université Paris-Dauphine) and Jean-Marie Robine (INSERM/EHESP/INED); the outcome will provide an update of the previous works of which DFLE series stopped in 2008. The second axis has consisted in producing for the first time in France DFLE estimates at a regional level, in the framework of the IPADOM (IRESP fundings) in collaboration with Maude Crouzet and Didier Breton (université de Strasbourg) and Caroline Laborde (ORS Ile de France). The thid axis consitis in estimating DFLE by social status.

The project "Health inequalities between men and women (ISHEF)" started in 2013 under my responsability (IRESP 2011) aimed to analyze gender differences in diseases, disability and dependency in order to identify factors linked to family situations, occupational careers and medical patterns. This is a collaborative and pluridisciplinary project to bring better document these differences (C Bonnet, D. Cheung, C Garrouste, M Khlat, F Meslé, AF Molinié, W. Nusselder, A Pailhé).

Following this, we will develop new research axes to go further in the analysis of the factors explaining the differences between women and men in healthy aging. The GINGO project (Gender and Health Inequalities in the CONSTANCES cohort) was selected in the ANR call for projects. The project is under development and will be completed in 2024.

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Selection of publications:

Recent publications...

A selection of older publications (and complete list)

Nusselder, Wapperom, Looman, Yokota, van Oyen, Jagger, Robine, Cambois. (2018). Contribution of chronic conditions to disability in men and women in France. European Journal of Public Health, 1–6. (article)

Biotteau, Bonnet, Cambois. (2018). Risk of Major Depressive Episodes After Separation: The Gender-Specific Contribution of the Income and Support Lost Through Union Dissolution. European Journal of Population:1–24 (Article)

Cambois, E., Garrouste, C., & Pailhé, A. (2017). Gender career divide and women’s disadvantage in depressive symptoms and physical limitations in France. SSM: Population Health, 3, 81-88.

Cambois, E., Solé-Auró, A., & Robine, J.-M. (2016). Economic hardship and educational differentials in disability in 26 European countries. J Aging Health, 28, 1214-1238. (Paper)

Cambois, E., A. Solé-Auró, H. Brønnum-Hansen, V. Egidi, C. Jagger, B. Jeune, W.J. Nusselder, H. Van Oyen, C. White, and J.-M. Robine. 2015. Educational differentials in disability vary across and within welfare regimes: a comparison of 26 European countries in 2009. JECH (doi:10.1136/jech-2015-205978)

Fouweather, T., C. Gillies, P. Wohland, H. Van Oyen, W. Nusselder, J.M. Robine, E. Cambois, and C. Jagger. 2015. Comparison of socio-economic indicators explaining inequalities in Healthy Life Years at age 50 in Europe: 2005 and 2010. Eur J Public Health

N Berger, H Van Oyen, E Cambois, T Fouweather, C Jagger, W Nusselder, J-M Robine. 2015. Assessing the Validity of the Global Activity Limitation Indicator in Fourteen European Countries. BMC Med Research Methodology 15(1):doi:10.1186/471-2288-15-1.

Andro A., Cambois E., Lesclingand M. 2014. Long-term consequences of female genital mutilation in a European context: Self perceived health of FGM women compared to non-FGM women. Soc Sci Med. 106:177-84. (doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2014.02.003)

H, Van Oyen, Berger N, Nusselder W, Charafeddine R, Jagger C, Cambois E, Robine JM, Demarest S. 2014. The Effect of Smoking on the Duration of Life with and without Disability, Belgium 1997-2011. BMC Public Health 14(1):723 (doi:10.1186/471-2458-14-723).

Robine, J.-M., E. Cambois. 2013. Les espérances de vie en bonne santé des européens / Healthy life expectancy in Europe. Population et sociétés 499:1-4.

Cambois E, Blachier A, Robine J-M. 2012. Aging and health in France: an unexpected expansion of disability in mid-adulthood over recent years. European journal of public health.