Life course and health

The field of social epidemiology aims to relate the health status of the individuals to their life course rather than their social situation observed at one point in time. Social inequalities in health are considered as the outcome of a process constructed by someone’s experiences, cumulated over the years.

In that respect, analysis of social inequalities in health should rather explore pathways and cumulated risks from the early exposures in childhood through the adulthood living and working conditions, to the late ages.

The close interest of both social epidemiology and gender studies for the life course approach encourages to analyze the sex differences in health in the prism of gender.

How gender constructs health (exposures and behaviours) is part of the explanation of the sex differences in health. Here, we study the association between men’s and women’s health and social roles and activity, looking at their respective position in the society, the family, the labour market...

Selection of 10 publications :
  • Palazzo, Yokota, Tafforeau, Ravaud, Cambois, et al. 2019. Contribution of chronic diseases to educational disparity in disability in France: results from the cross-sectional “disability-health” survey. Archives of Public Health, 77(2):1-10
  • Cambois, Solé-Auró, et al. 2016. Educational differentials in disability vary across and within welfare regimes: a comparison of 26 European countries in 2009. JECH (70):331-38
  • Cambois, Solé-Auró, Robine. 2016. Economic hardship and educational differentials in disability in 26 European countries. Journal of Aging & Health, 28(7):1214-38.
  • Cambois, Jusot, 2011 Contribution of lifelong adverse experiences to health inequalities in France: evidence from a population survey, European Journal of Public Health (doi: 10.1093/eurpub/ckq119)
  • Cambois, Laborde. 2011. Mobilité socioprofessionnelle et mortalité en France : des liens qui se confirment pour les hommes et qui s’affirment pour les femmes. Population 66:373-400
  • Cambois, Laborde, Romieu, Robine. 2011. Occupational inequalities in health expectancies in France in the early 2000s: Unequal chances of reaching and living retirement in good health. Demographic Research, 25, p. 407-436.
  • Cambois, Robine, Romieu, 2005. The influence of functional limitations and various demographic factors on self-reported activity restriction at older ages, Disability and Rehabilitation, 27(15):871-83.
  • Dalstra, Kunst, Borrell, Breeze, Cambois, Costa, Geurts, Lahelma, Van Oyen, Rasmussen, et al., 2005, Socioeconomic differences in the prevalence of common chronic diseases: an overview of eight European countries, International journal of Epidemiology, 34(2), p. 316-326.
  • Cambois, 2004, Occupational and educational mortality differentials: magnitude and trends over last decades, Demographic Research, (2), p. 278-304
  • Cambois, 2004, Careers and mortality: Evidences on how far occupational mobility predicts differentiated risks, Social Science and Medicine, 58, p. 2545–2558.
Selection of 10 publications :
  • Cambois. 2019. Différences de genre au vieillissement en bonne santé. Une imbrication des dynamiques démographiques, des parcours de vie et des politiques publiques. Questions de santé publique, (36), 1‑4
  • Nusselder, Wapperom, Looman, Yokota, Van Oyen,… Cambois. 2018. Contribution of chronic conditions to disability in men and women in France. European Journal of Public Health. 29(1):99–104
  • Cambois, Garrouste, Pailhé. 2017. Gender career divide and women’s disadvantage in depressive symptoms and physical limitations in France. SSM: Population Health, 3, 81-88
  • Cambois, Solé-Auro, Robine. 2018. Gender differences in disability and economic hardship in older Europeans. European Journal of Population, 35(4), 777-93.
  • Biotteau, Bonnet, Cambois. 2018. Risk of Major Depressive Episodes after Separation: the Gender-Specific Contribution of the Income and Support Lost Through Union Dissolution. European Journal of Population 35(3):519-542
  • Cambois, 2016. Des inégalités sociales de santé moins marquées chez les femmes que chez les hommes : une question de mesure ? Revue d’Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique 64(S2): 75–85.
  • Van Oyen, Nusselder, Jagger, Kolip, Cambois, Robine. 2013. Gender differences in Healthy Life Years within the EU: an exploration of the "health-survival" paradox. International Journal of Public Health, 58(1):143-55.
  • Cambois Emmanuelle, Laborde. Caroline. 2011. Mobilité socioprofessionnelle et mortalité en France : des liens qui se confirment pour les hommes et qui s’affirment pour les femmes. Population, (66), p. 373-400
  • Van Oyen, Cox, Jagger, Cambois, Nusselder, Gilles, Robine, 2010, Gender gaps in life expectancy and expected years with activity limitations at age 50 in the European Union: associations with macro-level structural indicators. European Journal of Ageing, 7 (4), 229-237.
  • Robine JM, Jagger C, Cambois E, 2002, European perspective on healthy aging in women, Journal of Women and Aging, 14(1-2), p. 119-134.